Yes, it’s been ages. As ever, it’s because I didn’t want to blog before an important scan but that’s come back clear. I’m still cancer free and my next scan isn’t for one whole year. I’m relieved. My God, do I appreciate the NHS.
So, what’s new? Firstly, I completed my sponsored silence for Fight Bladder Cancer and raised more than £1,300. Thank you. Secondly, I’m opening a monthly market. It’s in Walthamstow, east London and sells arts, craft and food. If you’re interested, check out Twitter and Facebook.
It’s a bonkers thing to do but I want to do something different and what’s the worst that can happen? I lose some money and it fails. No-one dies.
Serous illness does this to you. Or at least it did it to me. Made me realise that risks are worth taking and it’s good to give things a go. Comfortable living is great but if there’s the tiniest niggle at the back of your head telling you life is a little boring and suggesting you shake it up, then do it.
I wish I’d never got cancer. Of course I do. But it has given me that jolt, reminding me that life is fragile and uncertain. If I want to do something, I’ll try and do it now, not wait until the ‘right time’ in the future. Because that time in the future, when I’m in my dotage sitting in the garden smelling the roses, well that might not be there. I might not make it. You might not make it.
A Sunday market is not exactly changing the world, but it’s easing me out of my comfort zone to try something new.
Comments (2)
Wendy Armstrong:
May 31, 2017 at 09:50 AM
"If there’s the tiniest niggle at the back of your head telling you life is a little boring and suggesting you shake it up, then do it." These are true words. I know I'm waiting for some kind of kick up the arse before I shake myself out of my comfortable malaise, and it's wrong. Inspiring post and I love the market! And scan news. Greetings from Emerald pastures.
Kate Bohdanowicz:
Jun 05, 2017 at 10:21 AM
Thanks Wendy and I'm always around to kick you up the backside.
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